Glossary of Dice Terminology

Below are common terms and acronyms often used when talking about dice.

Acronym or TermMeaningExplanation
5e5th Edition (of Dungeons & Dragons)Referring to the 5th (and current) edition of the popular pen & paper RPG
AoCArrows of ChaosReferring to the Chessex Arrows of Chaos dice
BGBeholder’s GazeUK-based dice retailer
CCCrystal CasteUS-based dice manufacturer
Cotton Candy 1, Cotton Candy 2Referring to the version of the Kraken Dice line Cotton Candy (version 1, version 2)
CFCrowdfunding or crowdfunderThe process of getting the general public involved in funding a specific project, in this case either newly designed dice or dice-related product; or the person joining such a crowdfunding campaign
CGCozy GamerUS-based dice retailer which also carries a limited number of exclusive dice sets, now rebranded to Fennek & Finch
CHXChessexUS-based dice manufacturer; this acronym is also used as the prefix to their product codes
ChonkOversized diceA term often used to describe oversized dice, particularly large d20s
d4, d6, d8, d10, d%, d12, d20, etc.Die with x number of sidesDenotes a die with x number of sides (e.g. d4 = 4-sided die, d6 = 6 sided die, d% or d00 = 10-sided percentile die)
D&D, DnDDungeons & DragonsPopular pen & paper roleplaying system with a fantasy setting
D&GDice & GamesUK-based dice manufacturer
D4FDice 4 FriendsGerman dice retailer
DHDDie Hard DiceUS-based dice retailer which also carries a limited number of exclusive dice sets
Dice mail—Dice that arrive by mail (either purchased from an online store, or dice traded with or purchased from another collector)
Dice tax—(Usually unrelated) photos of dice that are attached to an otherwise text-only post, to a) make the post more eye-catching, and b) to make the Facebook algorithm work in your favor since it’s more prone to showing posts with photos rather than those with only text
DDDispel DiceUS-based dice brand, specialised in sharp-edged resin dice
DMDice Market (also: Dungeon Master)The market group attached to DMC, where members can trade, sell and buy dice with other Dice Market members
DMCDice Maniacs’ ClubName of a long-standing group of dice collectors, whose home is the DMC Facebook group
DMDDice Making DiscoveriesA no longer active Facebook group dedicated to making dice and dice related products
F&FFennek & FinchUS-based dice retailer which also carries a limited number of exclusive dice sets, previously named CozyGamer
FLGSFriendly Local Game StoreLocal physical store that sells dice (that ideally has friendly staff)
FOFire OpalA popular line of glitter dice in turquoise, blue and grey produced and sold by Crystal Caste and Dice & Games, which is now out of print
FSFor saleTypically mentioned in posts where people want to indicate that they’d like to sell dice
FTFor tradeTypically mentioned in posts where people want to indicate that they’d like to trade dice
GDHGoblin Dice HoardName of a more recently established Facebook group related to dice collecting
GDHAGoblin Dice Hoard AcquisitionsThe market group attached to GDH, where members can trade, sell and buy dice with other GDHA members
GKGGate Keeper GamesUK-based dice maker designing and selling exclusive dice sets (produces the Halfsies dice)
GSGameScienceUS-based dice manufacturer that produces exclusive, sharp-edged dice
HDHengDaChinese dice manufacturer
HSDHeartstring DiceChinese dice manufacturer
HTFHard to findOut of print dice that have become hard to find
ICDIce Cream DiceCanada-based dice maker designing and selling exclusive dice sets (no longer actively making or selling dice)
IDIdentificationRequests for identification of dice (e.g. if a person can’t attribute the dice they own or bought to a manufacturer or line or name)
ISOIn search ofDice or dice sets that people are looking for (sometimes used as a synonym for a list of dice or sets someone wants to trade or acquire)
Jingle Bones—A bag of assorted random dice, sold by Crystal Caste; PoDs usually contain a random mix of different polyhedral CC dice, including some that are out of print
KCKing CardsGerman dice manufacturer, no longer in business
KSKickstarterCrowdfunding platform often used to produce new dice designs funded by the public
LDCLittle Dragon CorpCanadian dice retailer which also carries a number of exclusive dice sets
LGSLocal Game StoreLocal physical store that sells dice
LHDLucky Hand DiceUS-based handmade dice making company, no longer in business
LUDLevel Up DiceAustralian owned dice business
MDGMetallic Dice GamesUS-based dice retailer which also carries a limited number of exclusive dice sets, now rebranded to FanRoll
MoPMother of PearlA popular line of dice produced and sold by Chessex, which is now out of print, available in white and blue
MSMoonstoneA popular line of clear glitter dice produced and sold by Crystal Caste and Dice & Games, which is now out of print
MtGMagic the GatheringStrategy card game that also uses dice (e.g. as life counters, also known as spindowns)
NGNew glitterRefers to the type of glitter used in the newer Chessex Borealis dice sets
OGOld glitterRefers to the type of glitter used in the older Chessex Borealis dice sets
OOG“Old” old glitter or other old glitterTerm coined by collectors that refers to a specific type of old glitter Chessex Borealis dice sets that are particularly translucent (and is actually a misnomer since only two types of glitter were ever used in the Borealis dice, and the difference in translucency is an unintentional production variance)
OOPOut of printDice that are no longer produced and cannot be purchased anymore in stores (unless you get lucky and find old stock!)
Pips—Pipped dice (in any size), usually six-sided, sometimes also called spot dice
Pipsqueaks—Small pipped dice (12mm or smaller), usually six-sided, sometimes also called spot dice
PoDPound-O-DiceA bag of assorted random dice weighing approximately one pound, sold by Chessex; PoDs usually contain mostly opaque and Speckled Chessex dice, sometimes those that are exclusive to PoDs and are not available as full sets; each PoD includes a full set of 7 polyhedral Speckled dice that is exclusively sold with PoDs
R4IRole 4 InitiativeUS-based dice brand
RetailRetail priceThe price that something costs (or originally cost in the past) when you commercially buy it in a store (as opposed to market price, which is the rate that collectibles sell for among collectors)
RPGRoleplaying gameA type of imaginative, interactive storytelling game
SquidKraken DiceA type of code name for Kraken Dice, sometimes used in Facebook sales posts to avoid Facebook flagging the post for a term related to prohibited items
T&G—Chinese dice manufacturer
TDSOThe Dice Shop OnlineUK based online store that offers a large number of dice sets and single dice for sale
VHTFVery hard to findOut of print dice that have become very hard to find
VtMVampire the MasqueradePen & paper roleplaying system with a vampire theme
WDWiz DiceUS-based dice manufacturer
WTBWant to buyTypically mentioned in posts where people want to indicate that they’d like to buy dice
WTSWant to sellTypically mentioned in posts where people want to indicate that they’d like to sell dice
WTTWant to tradeTypically mentioned in posts where people want to indicate that they’d like to trade dice