Updated 07 October 2024
Critical Role is a popular live-streamed D&D adventure, where dungeon master extraordinaire Matt Mercer leads a group of LA-based voice actors through epic adventures in a completely homebrewed campaign setting. It is now in its third campaign, with their first one encompassing an impressive 115 episodes, their second one 141 episodes strong and their third one still ongoing.
Thanks not only to Matt Mercer’s skills as a veteran D&D dungeon master, but also to the outstanding storytelling and acting performances by everyone involved, the show has gained a large global following of fans over the years, whom you can often hear being referred to as critters. The show’s second campaign setting, the continent of Wildemount on the world of Exandria, has now been added to the official D&D universe and got its own Explorer’s Guide to Wildemount release in book form. An animated series depicting the adventures of the Vox Machina gang from the first campaign is now in its second season on Amazon Prime, initially funded through a massively successful Kickstarter.
If you’re not familiar with Critical Role, you can read up on it on Wikipedia or watch it on YouTube (or alternatively on Twitch).
Just like every D&D game, it’s no surprise that Critical Role heavily relies on dice rolls as an integral part of the game mechanics, and while most of the cast seem to have more of a utilitarian view on dice, they do have their own resident dice hoarder among them — Laura Bailey, who owns a dice bag the size of a giant pumpkin and puts her misbehaving dice in dice jails. And since Laura is also in charge of the range of merchandise for the show, it wasn’t long before we saw custom-made dice sets hit the Critical Role merch store.
Critical Role Set
Critical Role’s very first dice set was released in April 2017 when the show was still deep in the throes of their Tal’dorei campaign: a simple opaque black set of polymer dice with red ink and the Critical Role logo on the 20-face of the d20. Sold in the Geek & Sundry store, it came with a black velvet bag with the Critical Role logo on it. While the set was restocked a few times back in 2017, it is now no longer available. Interestingly, Chinese dice manufacturer Bescon listed these dice on their website, so it is likely that they were custom-made by Bescon for Geek & Sundry.

There are at least two mould versions of this set available. One has a d8 with a dot behind the 6 and a d12 where the 1s don’t have an upstroke, and another version (possibly a later reprint) where the 6 on the d8 is underlined and the 1s on the d12 have an upstroke.
GenCon 2017
2017 was also the year Critical Role started their tradition of releasing limited sets of dice for their GenCon live shows, which were only sold at the convention (with limited overstock sold later in the Geek & Sundry merch store). The 2017 GenCon set was a reverse colour theme from their first set: opaque red polymer dice with black ink, and the CR logo as the 20-face. Coined “The Critter Collection”, it came with a black velvet bag with the Critical Role logo on it. This set is now out of print and will most likely not be remade.

Vox Machina d20s
In October 2017, Critical Role mixed it up a little, honouring their campaign 1 adventuring group Vox Machina with unique, character-themed d20s. Every character had their own die with their symbol on the 20 face that was either tied to their class or something significant from the character’s backstory. Interesting piece of trivia: Sam Riegel had specifically requested to make his die difficult to read, and indeed, the ink on the Scanlan die is almost the same colour as the glitter inside, which does make it hard to make out the numbers!

image © Tina B. 2019
The d20s set was also produced by Bescon and was available in the Geek & Sundry store for a limited time. They became out of print for several years, and with many new fans discovering the show who were now after these dice, secondary market prices soared, eventually surpassing the $250 mark. In August 2019, critters finally had every reason to rejoice, because Critical Role re-released the VM d20 sets with some minor modifications to colouring and mix.

image © Tina B. 2019
The version 2 set is very similar, but if you look closely, you will see that the Scanlan die now has darker ink, the Vex die doesn’t have as much teal, and the Vax die mix is somewhat muddier. The Percy die is a bit cloudier, and the Pike and Matt dice are slightly darker, but overall the differences are not very pronounced. It’s not known who manufactured the second version of the d20 Vox Machina set.
The second run of the Vox Machina d20s is being restocked intermittently in the Critical Role merch shops after quickly selling out upon their initial release.

GenCon 2018
Campaign 2 of Critical Role made its debut in early 2018, and GenCon 2018 brought another highlight to the fans — another live show. Just like the previous year, they released a GenCon-exclusive set of dice, this time a metal set in a copper colour with black ink and the d20 Critical Role logo. Con visitors were able to purchase this set at the con, and remaining stock was made available in the online store later. It came with a dark blue velvet bag that didn’t have a logo on it but had a metal Critical Role pendant fastened to the drawstring. This set is also out of print now and is not likely to be remade.

Wildemount Set
It wasn’t long after GenCon that Critical Role continued their dice journey with a set to honor campaign 2, naming it Wildemount after the continent that the 2nd campaign was set on. It may have been the GenCon 2018 set that inspired them to include copper as one of the recurring colours associated with Wildemount, adding dark blue rather than black to the colour theme. The Wildemount set is comprised of dark blue polymer dice with copper ink, the d20 logo and the familiar dark blue velvet bag with pendant. The set was available regularly in the Critical Role store for a while (first announced August 2018), and was restocked several times. Interestingly, there appear to be different versions with different moulds out there, presumably from different runs, potentially even from different manufacturers.
In September 2022, Critical Role offered a reprint of the Wildemount set in their online stores, the mould used for the reprint looks to be either the same or very similar to the second run of the the set (second photo below).

Animated Vox Machina Kickstarter
When Critical Role announced their Kickstarter for an animated series of the Legends of Vox Machina in March 2019, the internet went crazy. The Kickstarter raised over $2 million on the first day alone, and wrapped up in April with a total of over $11 million dollars raised. The $100 backing tier included, among other things, a set of purple Legend of Vox Machina polymer dice with two d20s with the Critical Role logo on one of the d20s and the Vox Machina logo on the second one.
These are Kickstarter exclusives, delivery to backers began towards the end of 2021. Critical Role started selling the overage from the Kickstarter in the Critical Role merch store in October 2022.

GenCon 2019
Going with their tradition to release a new exclusive set for GenCon, the 2019 set stayed in line with the copper and blue Wildemount theme. The copper-coloured metal dice with dark blue enamel faces and the already established d20 logo came with a faux leather bag and pendant. As with all the GenCon dice, they were exclusively available for con attendees, although remaining stock was later offered in the Critical Role shop (in February 2020). New for GenCon 2019 was an oversized polymer d20 (36mm) in dark blue with subtle silver glitter and copper ink that Laura Bailey got very excited over and promptly used during the episode where she first presented the chonky d20 to critters.

Whitestone Set
It wouldn’t be Critical Role if they weren’t constantly upping their game, so in November 2019 we left the continent of Wildemount and returned to the home of campaign 1, with Critical Role’s first semi-precious stone dice set made from opalite. The set brings back memories of Vox Machina and their home base of Whitestone, the city-state in the northeast of Tal’dorei. The opalite dice with engraved gold-inked numbers and the logo on the d20 are said to imitate the glass-like substance residuum that is created out of refined whitestone, which gave the city its name.
Complimenting the signature semi-translucent shimmer of opalite, the set comes in a cream-coloured velvet box that has a golden Whitestone crest on the lid and the Critical Role logo at the bottom, with the dice held securely in a light purple inlay. The opalite set was being sold in both the US and UK Critical Role shops at a price point of $74.99 and £74.99 respectively.

Oversized d20s
In August 2021, Critical Role released another oversized d20, much like the one they premiered at GenCon 2019, only this one was semi-translucent purple with gold flakes and gold ink. Sized at 36mm, it’s quite chonky, and like the GenCon one, it has a Critical Role logo on the face of the 20.
Another oversized d20 (also 36mm) was added to the CR line-up in October 2021 — this time in a Mighty Nein design. Interestingly, this die was not actually sold and carried by Critical Role themselves but out-licensed to USAOPOLY (a.k.a. the OP).
Some of the official product photos are pretty misleading in terms of what it actually looks like. The die is made from acrylic in a fairly standard orange pearl design with white ink and the Mighty Nein logo on the 20-face.

Xhorhas Dice Set
The next addition to the Critical Role dice set lineup was released in April 2023, this time a somewhat fancier metal set with raised rainbow coloured anodised numbers. The dice are pretty heavy zinc alloy dice with a coat of black paint (which I could imagine will start wearing off over time with regular use) and the numbers are significantly raised in a way that I think it actually makes them borderline unusable. Particularly the d20 tends to wobble on the numbers and may roll off of the initially rolled number here and there.
This set comes in a dark purple metal tin with a foam inlay and a pastel lavender cardboard sleeve around it. The lid of the tin has a Xhorhas print on it that’s reminiscent of an 80’s disco design to go with the vibrant rainbow coloured numbers. If you peel back the thin black foam inlay on the inside of the lid, there’s a pun printed there that says: Our house is Xhorhaus. 🙂

Vox Machina Polysets
The Vox Machina dice journey continued in November and December 2020, when Critical Role partnered with well known and much loved dice brand Die Hard Dice (DHD). Using the so-called Avalore dice mould that is exclusive to DHD, a full polymer polyset was produced for each of the Vox Machina characters.
The designs of the full polysets are, for the most part, similar to the original Vox Machina d20s. The only sets that are strikingly different are the Grog, Keyleth and Percy sets. While the original Grog d20 was half opaque black, half opaque red, the new polyset is matte white with a dirty brown finish that gives them a vintage or used look (reminiscent of the HD Dice Ancient design). The Keyleth polyset is a mix of semi-translucent green and glittery brown material. The new Percy set clear translucent material with dark purple glittery swirls inside. The other sets are fairly similar to the old versions, most with fine glitter rather than a pearl effect.
A Taryon Darrington set was added in March 2022. Design-wise these are similar to HD’s Marble style in teal and purple with little specks of silver foil mixed in, which gives them an unusual gravelly look.
Each of the d20s has a logo in place of the 20 that signifies the character’s class or something related to their personality (same exact logos as the original VM d20s). All sets come with a faux leather bag with embossed Critical Role logo in a colour that matches the dice or the character.
In June 2022, a new Legend of Vox Machina dice set dropped (first in the US store) that’s slightly different than the other Vox Machina sets, the look is pearly gold and white material with purple ink, similar to the Chessex Gemini or HD Blend designs. The accompanying bag has a more velvety design and the dice don’t use the Avalore mould of the other VM sets. The logo on the d20 are the “VM” insignia that are also used on one of the d20s for the Legend of Vox Machina Kickstarter dice set.

Mighty Nein Polysets
In March 2022, the first Mighty Nein dice sets were rolled out in the Critical Role stores, starting with three sets for Caduceus, Mollymauk and Yasha. These sets are in the same mould as the Vox Machina dice sets, the Die Hard Dice exclusive Avalore mould.
The Caduceus set is a layer-like translucent mix of purple, teal and pink with a fungus logo on the d20 and white ink. The Mollymauk set is a mix of marble-like material in dark purple and black with subtle glitter and red ink. The d20 has a sun and moon logo. The Yasha set is an interesting nebula-style mix of opaque black and white in clear dice with silver ink. The d20 has a harp logo.
Beauregard, Fjord and Nott sets were added in October 2022. Perhaps a bit unusually, the Nott polyset includes a d2 resin coin that has button holes on one side (not actual holes) and the Nott logo on the other side.
The Beauregard set is a mix of glittery semi-translucent teal and blue with white ink, the logo on the d20 is a punching fist. The Fjord set is a translucent ocean green with gold flakes and gold ink. The Nott set is a two layer design in a yellowish olive green colour theme with an olive green translucent layer with glitter and a translucent teal-green with gold flakes and gold ink.
In February 2023, two more Mighty Nein sets were released for Caleb and Jester. The Caleb set, not surprisingly, is very reminiscent of fiery embers, with a translucent orange-red base that has flecks of gold foiled dispersed throughout the dice. The ink is orange and the logo on the d20 is a flame that could also be read as a sitting cat (i.e. Frumpkin). The Jester set has a distinct “Barbie” vibe to it, with a pink translucent base and flecks of iridescent foil glittering in shades of blue, green and pink all throughout the dice. The ink is pastel blue and the logo on the d20 is a cupcake (I’m guessing a dick would have been a tad inappropriate).

Bells Hells Polysets
A natural progression of the Critical Role dice after campaign 2 had ended was to start delving into the Bells Hells characters from campaign 3. The first two to get released were the Fresh Cut Grass and the Chetney Pock O’Pea sets in July 2023.
Critical Role moved away from the DHD Avalore mould for the Bells Hells sets, choosing a custom serif font and different designs in more standard moulds. The Fresh Cut Grass set is a translucent yellow round-edged design with metal gears embedded inside — a design that already existed previously in other colours and different font through Chinese dice manufacturer Udixi. This set has blue ink and the d20 has a little gear symbol in place of the 20. The Chetney Pock O’Pea set is a round-edged milky opaque layered set in teal-grey-brown themes (7 layers) with matte grey ink. The d20 has a wolf head as a logo.
In August, the next set to be released was the one for Laudna, this time a clear translucent sharp-edged set in a white petri ink-drop technique with dark green swirls and red ink. The d20 logo is a pair of scissors. Shortly thereafter, in September 2023, sharp-edged resin sets were added to the Critical Role merch shop for Ashton Greymoore (layered resin in purple and light teal with metallic confetti shreds throughout, gold ink, d20 with a maul hammer logo) and Fearne Calloway (tan coloured translucent resin with a dried mini rose encased inside, pale green ink, d20 with a Little Mister monkey head logo).
They added two sharp-edged Bells Hells sets in December 2023: Imogen Temult and Orym, of the Air Ashari. The Imogen set is translucent purple with fine blue glitter and red thread inside. The set has golden ink and the d20 has a logo of three small lightning bolts. The Orym set is clear translucent with what is supposed to be white flowers inside but looks actually more like green moss to the naked eye. The ink is olive green and the d20 has a moon logo.
The eighth set in the series for the Dorian Storm character was added in April 2024: A sharp-edged clear set with light blue swirls and silver glitter particles. The d20 has a lute icon as the 20 and the ink is dark blue.

Non-Player Character Polysets
Having previously only released general Critical Role themed dice and those tied to player characters, in 2023 they started to add dice sets of popular and beloved NPCs to their lineup.
The first NPC set was for The Traveler — Jester Lavorre’s cleric patron. The dice are translucent green with fine gold glitter and very subtle swirls of pearly green inside. The logo on the d20 is supposed to signify an open doorway with path leading into the distance, the ink is gold. This set uses the Die Hard Dice Avalore mould that was also used for the Mighty Nein character sets.
Another NPC set was added in June 2023, the Essek Thelyss set after the powerful wizard of the Kryn Dynasty from the Mighty Nein campaign who also appeared in the Bells Hells campaign. The dice are fairly similar to the Dungeon Master set from the Vox Machina release but leans a bit more purple, and the ink is a metallic pastel lavender rather than silver. The logo on the d20 is the Kryn Dynasty logo. This set also uses the Die Hard Dice Avalore mould.
Two years later, in February 2025, another NPC set was released: that of Allura Vysoren, a powerful wizard who appeared in all three Critical Role campaigns. The Allura dice set is translucent light blue with mylar foil inclusions and light blue ink. The d20 has the symbol of the Tal’dorei Council on it. The set uses the same round-edged design as the Fresh-Cut Grass and the Chetney Pock O’Pea dice sets.

Air Ashari Dice Set
In July 2023, Critical Role announced their first collaboration with handmakers Everything Dice for an Air Ashari set. These are translucent sharp-edged resin dice in the typical Everything Dice mould that have little clouds embedded inside, encased in blue, purple and yellow resin. The ink is white, there are no logos on any of the dice.
The set comes in an exclusive cardboard pull-out box with bespoke cover art. In addition to the dice, the package contains a small drawstring bag with a logo and a microfibre cloth that has a cropped version of the box artwork printed on it.
Due to the exclusive handmade nature of this set, their price point was the highest we’ve seen yet for any Critical Role set — at $99.99 per polyset. The set was initially listed only in the US store, but later also appeared in the other CR store geographies as well.
Perhaps of note: This design wasn’t specifically created for Critical Role. Everything Dice has carried this particular design with the embedded clouds in their online store for a while, albeit in slightly different colours, listed as “Sunrise Sonata”. Everything Dice currently charge $98 for the Sunrise Sonata set in their store.
Ruidus Dice Set
In October 2023, a second collaboration set with Everything Dice was released – the Ruidus Dice Set. As per the Critical Role shop product page, these were inspired by Ruidus, one of Exandria’s two moons.
For the Ruidus Dice, we were inspired to capture a landscape featuring the foreboding red moon — a bloody beacon looming in an inky night sky, surrounded by swirling clouds. An ill omen of things to come…
The dice are sharp edged translucent light blue-grey resin with fine glitter and red and and white ink swirls and a deep red bead embedded, evocative of the above quoted moon. The ink is a light silver, the dice don’t have any logos.
Like the Air Ashari release, the set comes in an exclusive cardboard pull-out box with bespoke cover art. In addition to the dice, the package contains a small drawstring bag with a logo and a microfibre cloth that has a cropped version of the box artwork printed on it.
Please note that the store photos are somewhat misleading since they picture the dice with the red bead centred and a good view of it in all of the dice. The actual sets that are being sold are pretty inconsistent in terms of bead centricity and translucency. From my own experience, it is to be expected that the bead is significantly off-centre in the majority of the dice (5 of 7 in my set) and it’s also likely that the red and the grey swirls will obscure the bead so that it’s not clearly visible.
The set I bought was a big disappointment for the price point in comparison to the store photos. The Critical Role Shop support dismissed this as a feature and not a bug, saying, “The bead is intended to be inside of the die, but not necessarily centered– some will be off-center and this is part of how they are designed.”
Cheaper than the Air Ashari set, these are priced at $84.99 per polyset. Everything Dice has a similar design in different colours in their own online store named “Andromeda Luxe” that is priced at $108.

Luxon Beacon Oversized d20
Critical Role added another oversized d20 to the lineup in February 2024. This is yet again a collaboration with Everything Dice, this time a rather pricey exclusive blue-purple 40mm d20 with a liquid core inside. The d20 features hand-painted designs, comes at a price point of $64.99 and is packaged in a special box with a small dice bag and a microfibre cloth.
The die’s design is said to be reminiscent of the Luxon Beacon that was featured in the Wildemount adventures in campaign 2.
While this is a beautiful d20, the liquid core inside the die is hardly visible, even in bright daylight, and the glitter swirling inside can barely be seen even after vigorous shaking. It is also difficult to discern what exactly about this die is hand-painted. Presumably it’s the golden patterns inside, but it’s hard to tell if they worked with decals or if each and every die was actually touched by a brush.
B-grade versions of the d20 were sold in the Everything Dice store for $32.99. They were B-graded for different reasons such as slightly off-center inclusions, slightly messy or less detailed illustrations or poor glitter ratios.

Shattered Teeth Dice Set
In June 2024, Critical Role released another sharp-edged set in collaboration with Everything Dice. They named them Shattered Teeth, inspired by an archipelago of the same name southeast of Tal’dorei.
To quote from the Critical Role shop:
Within each die, a mountain island floats in the ocean, bedecked in wisps of white clouds. The d20 holds Athos Peak itself, a volcanic island touched by Fire Titan Rau’shan and erupting with lava.
The dice are sharp-edged translucent clear resin with a milky blue-green base on one side that mimics ocean waters. Each die has a small green-painted mountain embedded, around whose peak is a subtle white resin swirl to evoke the image of wispy clouds. The mountain in the d20 is in parts red to resemble a volcano. The ink is white, the dice don’t have any logos.
Same as the other Everything Dice CR releases, the set comes in an exclusive cardboard pull-out box with bespoke cover art. In addition to the dice, the package contains a small drawstring bag with a logo and a microfibre cloth that has a cropped version of the box artwork printed on it.
While the set is very well made, the optical refraction of the dice shapes makes it hard to make out the little mountain inside, also because the numbers obscure it to some degree. The embedded mountain is best visible in the d6, less so in the d8, d10 and d% and not very well in the d4, d12 and d20. For some reason, the sea water base in the d4 is at the tip and not spread across one face so that it appears as if the mountain is floating upside down when the d4 lies flat on a surface.

Matron of Ravens Dice Set
In September 2024, Critical Role added a fourth dice collaboration with Everything Dice – the Matron of Ravens polyset that alludes to the Raven Queen D&D deity. The dice design is a thin, opaque black layer with a milky white resin accent on top that’s surrounded by thin gold wire and a small black feather.
True to the previous Everything Dice CR releases, the set comes in an exclusive cardboard pull-out box with bespoke cover art. In addition to the dice, the package contains a small drawstring bag with a logo and a microfibre cloth that has matching artwork printed on it.

Candela Obscura Dice Set
This isn’t a Critical Role set in the classic sense since it’s not tied to any of the D&D campaign settings or characters. The Candela Obscura set is for use with Critical Role’s newly released occult horror RPG system of the same name that is featured in their new monthly anthology streaming series.
This dice set was released in May 2023, it consists of nine pipped d6s in either gold with green ink or green with gold ink. The dice have a Candela Obscura logo on the face of the 6. They are made of resin in a shimmery opaque pearlescent design. The set comes with six green and three gold dice in a windowed cardboard package.

Candela Obscura Premium Dice Set
Critical Role released a follow-up Candela Obscura dice set in March 2024 that was marketed as “premium dice”. It’s a set of 9 zinc alloy metal d6s in a black and gold theme and a Candela Obscura logo on the face of the 6. It comes with a black faux velvet bag in a windowed cardboard package at a steep price point of $69.99.

Creative Critters
It is not only from Critical Role themselves that you can get Critical Role themed dice. The community of critters is very creative, which doesn’t just extend to fanart and fan fiction. Crafty critters have designed or handmade dice connected to the show, some of which are available on Etsy or other platforms. The list below is not exhaustive, but here are a few examples.

Release Chronology
Released | Product | Material and design | Sold by |
Apr 2017 | Critical Role polyset | Polymer opaque black w/red, CR logo on d20 | Geek & Sundry merch store MSRP: $15.00 |
Aug 2017 | GenCon 2017 polyset | Polymer milky red w/black, CR logo on d20 | GenCon merch stall, briefly in May 2018 in Geek & Sundry merch store MSRP: $15.00 |
Oct 2017 | Vox Machina d20s (version 1) | Polymer d20s in different designs with character logos | Geek & Sundry merch store MSRP: $20.00 |
Aug 2018 | GenCon 2018 polyset | Metal dice copper w/black, CR logo on d20 | GenCon merch stall, briefly in Apr 2019 in Critical Role merch store MSRP: $29.99 |
Aug 2018 | Wildemount polyset | Polymer opaque blue w/copper, CR logo on d20 | Critical Role merch store MSRP: $14.99 |
Mar 2019 | Legend of Vox Machina Kickstarter polyset | Polymer marble purple w/white, CR logo on one d20, VM logo on 2nd d20 | Kickstarter ran in Mar 2019, dice delivered to backers end of 2021/early 2022, overage sold in Critical Role merch store in Oct 2022, MSRP: $34.99 |
Aug 2019 | Reprint of Vox Machina d20s (version 2) | Polymer d20s in different designs with character logos | Critical Role merch store MSRP: initially $19.99, now $24.99 |
Aug 2019 | GenCon 2019 polyset | Metal dice copper w/blue enamel, CR logo on d20 | GenCon merch stall, briefly in Feb 2020 in Critical Role merch store MSRP: $29.99 |
Aug 2019 | GenCon oversized d20 (36mm) | Polymer opaque blue w/copper and silver glitter, CR logo | GenCon merch stall, briefly in Feb 2020 in Critical Role merch store MSRP: $9.99 |
Nov 2019 | Whitestone polyset | Opalite gemstone w/gold, CR logo on d20 | Critical Role merch store MSRP: $74.99 |
Nov 2019 | Vox Machina polysets: Vax’ildan, Vex’ahlia, Grog | Polymer polysets in different designs in the DHD Avalore mould, d20 with character logo | Critical Role merch store MSRP: initially $15.99, later $19.99 |
Dec 2019 | Vox Machina polysets: Pike, Percy, Keyleth, GM | Polymer polysets in different designs in the DHD Avalore mould, d20 with character logo | Critical Role merch store MSRP: initially $15.99, later $19.99 |
Aug 2021 | Critical Role oversized d20 (36mm) | Polymer purple & gold flakes w/gold | Critical Role merch store MSRP: $10.99 |
Feb 2021 | Vox Machina polyset: Scanlan | Polymer polyset in the DHD Avalore mould, d20 with character logo | Critical Role merch store MSRP: initially $15.99, later $19.99 |
Oct 2021 | USAOPOLY Mighty Nein oversized d20 (36mm) | Polymer pearl orange w/white, Mighty Nein logo | Retail stores worldwide (USAOPOLY third party license) MSRP: $9.99 |
Mar 2022 | Vox Machina polyset: Taryon | Polymer polyset in the DHD Avalore mould, d20 with character logo | Critical Role merch store MSRP: initially $15.99, later $19.99 |
Mar 2022 | Mighty Nein polysets: Caduceus, Mollymauk, Yasha | Polymer polysets in different designs in the DHD Avalore mould, d20 with character logo | Critical Role merch store MSRP: $19.99 |
Jun 2022 | Legend of Vox Machina polyset | Pearl white & gold w/purple, VM logo on d20 | Critical Role merch store MSRP: $19.99 |
Sep 2022 | Reprint of Wildemount polyset | Polymer opaque blue w/copper, CR logo on d20 | Critical Role merch store MSRP: $16.99 |
Oct 2022 | Mighty Nein polysets: Beauregard, Fjord, Nott | Polymer polysets in different designs in the DHD Avalore mould, d20 with character logo | Critical Role merch store MSRP: $19.99 |
Feb 2023 | Mighty Nein polysets: Caleb, Jester | Polymer polysets in different designs in the DHD Avalore mould, d20 with character logo | Critical Role merch store MSRP: $19.99 |
Feb 2023 | NPC polyset: The Traveler | Polymer polyset in the DHD Avalore mould, d20 with character logo | Critical Role merch store MSRP: $19.99 |
Apr 2023 | Xhorhas metal polyset | Zinc alloy black metal set with raised rainbow coloured numbers | Critical Role merch store MSRP: $59.99 |
May 2023 | Candela Obscura d6 set | Pipped polymer d6 set for the Candela Obscura RPG system | Critical Role merch store MSRP: $19.99 |
Jun 2023 | NPC polyset: Essek Thelyss | Polymer polyset in the DHD Avalore mould, d20 with character logo | Critical Role merch store MSRP: $19.99 |
Jul 2023 | Bells Hells polysets: Fresh Cut Grass, Chetney Pock O’Pea | Polymer polysets in different designs, d20 with character logo | Critical Role merch store MSRP: $19.99 |
Jul 2023 | Air Ashari polyset | Sharp-edged resin polyset, collaboration with Everything Dice | Critical Role merch store MSRP: $99.99 |
Aug 2023 | Bells Hells polyset: Laudna | Sharp-edged resin polyset, d20 with character logo | Critical Role merch store MSRP: $19.99 |
Sep 2023 | Bells Hells polysets: Ashton Greymoore, Fearne Calloway | Sharp-edged resin polysets in different designs, d20 with character logo | Critical Role merch store MSRP: $19.99 |
Oct 2023 | Ruidus Dice Set | Sharp-edged resin polyset, collaboration with Everything Dice | Critical Role merch store MSRP: $84.99 |
Dec 2023 | Bells Hells polysets: Orym, Imogen | Sharp-edged resin polyset, d20 with character logo | Critical Role merch store MSRP: $19.99 |
Feb 2024 | Luxon Beacon Oversized d20 | Sharp-edged liquid core resin 40mm d20 | Critical Role merch store MSRP: $64.99 |
Mar 2024 | Candela Obscura premium d6 set | Pipped zinc alloy d6 set for the Candela Obscura RPG system | Critical Role merch store MSRP: $69.99 |
Apr 2024 | Bells Hells polyset: Dorian Storm | Sharp-edged resin polyset, d20 with character logo | Critical Role merch store MSRP: $19.99 |
Jun 2024 | Shattered Teeth Dice Set | Sharp-edged resin polyset, collaboration with Everything Dice | Critical Role merch store MSRP: $99.99 |
Sep 2024 | Matron of Ravens Dice Set | Sharp-edged resin polyset, collaboration with Everything Dice | Critical Role merch store MSRP: $99.99 |
Feb 2025 | NPC polyset: Allura Vysoren | Polymer polysets in different designs, d20 with character logo | Critical Role merch store MSRP: $24.99 |
Critical Role Dice Gallery